Tips for How to Use Teams & Onenote (Class Notebook): Computer


We will be organizing our work inside Onenote’s Class Notebook.


Some of you are very familiar with these programs, but quickly skim through to double check that you remember the details.


It is possible to look at/work on your Class Notebook in three main ways:


1. Inside of Teams (not the best method)

2. In the Browser (eg. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.)

3. In the “App” (the actual Onenote Program on computer)


I. Finding Our Class Notebook inside Teams


Look at the tabs at the top… Click on the “Class Notebook” one.


On Teams, you will see this welcome page.


To see the folders and files, you will need to click on the > symbol on the left that I circled in red.


If you are typing work into the notebook, it is best NOT to work inside of Teams.


You should click on “Open in Browser” that I circled in blue.



II. Opening Class Notebook using Browser or App is Recommended


Once you click on that (see blue circle), you will have two choices you can pick.


The “App” (meaning Program) has more functions, but browser is fine too.




III. Do you have Onenote “App” (Program) on your computer?


If you have the program somewhere on the computer, the Notebook should open.


If you have the full version of Office (eg. Powerpoint, Word, etc.), you should already have Onenote 2016 on your computer. 


If not, you can sign in to Office 365 on the Gladstone website, and on the welcome page, you can install the Microsoft programs on your computer for free.



You can also install Onenote for Windows 10 for free, if you have Windows 10.



IV. Using the Notebook


There is a “Content Library” section where I will post useful documents or instructions.  Try looking inside.  Files in the Content Library can’t be edited.


Click on your NAME to find your folders and files for this course that you can edit!




V. Making Sure Your Work Is Being Synced and Saved on the Cloud in Browser & Teams


Depending on the Wifi where you are, you need to double check that your work is being synced and saved on the cloud.


Do not close Onenote or your Browser until you see the symbol saying your work has been synced!


For the browser, Teams and Onenote for Windows 10, Look in the top right hand corner.


Symbols with arrows in a circle (circled on red) means the Notebook is still syncing and saving, so you need to wait.





Once all the changes have been saved and synced on the cloud, you will see a symbol with a cloud and a check mark!  This means you can now close the browser or window.



Cloud with a checkmark is GOOD.



VI. Making Sure Work Is Saved In Onenote Programs/App (Onenote 2016 or Windows 10)


When using Onenote Programs, you will need to look at the left.  


All these arrows in a circle means, WAIT for it to sync and save!



You can right click and choose “Sync Now” to make sure your notebook has synced. 


Once the circular arrows are gone, everything should be saved!


If you want to double check, you can try looking at the Onenote page on your phone or in the browser, and see if your new work is showing up.